The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy

Av Megan Bannen

| 2022 | Del 1 i serien Hart and Mercy
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy
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Romantisk och humoristisk fantasy i You've Got Mail-anda. En sheriff börjar utbyta brev med en anonym person och en vänskap bildas. Vad han inte vet är att den nya brevvännen är någon han redan mött och starkt ogillar.

Hart is a marshal, tasked with patrolling the magical wilds of Tanria. It's an unforgiving job, and he's got nothing but time to ponder his loneliness.

Mercy never has a moment to herself. She's been single-handedly keeping Birdsall & Son Undertakers afloat in defiance of sullen jerks like Hart-ache Hart, the man with a knack for showing up right when her patience is thinnest.

After yet another run-in with Merciless Mercy, Hart finds himself penning a letter addressed simply to "A Friend". Much to his surprise, he receives an anonymous reply, and a tentative friendship is born. Little does Hart know he's baring his soul to the person who infuriates him most. . .

Set in a world equally full of magic and demigods as it is donuts and small-town drama, this utterly unique fantasy is sure to sweep you off your feet.


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