Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire

Figurspel: Warhammer Underworlds

| 2017
Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire
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Everything you and a friend need to play games of Warhammer Underworlds is included in this box. Contained within:

- A Stormcast Eternals warband, made up of 3 push-fit, blue plastic Liberators (Angharad Brightshield, Obryn the Bold and their leader Severin Steelheart);
- A Khorne Bloodbound warband, made up of 5 push-fit, red plastic Bloodreavers (Karsus the Chained, Blooded Saek, Targor, Arnulf and their leader Garrek Gorebeard.) Both of these warbands are Easy To Build, with no glue necessary and a comprehensive, easy to follow construction guide;
- A 32-page rulebook, including the story of Shadespire's rise and fall, and all the rules you need to play;
- A quick-start sheet, featuring a brief introduction to the game;
- 2 double-sided game boards, featuring hexes and objectives;
- 2 pre-built decks of power and objective cards, for use with the included warbands;
- 8 double-sided Fighter cards, providing the stats and information needed for the fighters in each warband at a glance;
- 5 attack dice and 3 defence dice;
- 9 double-sided objective tokens;
- 1 Katophrane Artefact token;
- 2 Shardfall tokens;
- 30 wound tokens;
- 46 double-sided glory point tokens;
- 15 double-sided move and charge tokens;
- 15 Guard tokens;
- 8 activation tokens. Personalen rekommenderar.##


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