

Det här är en butiksvara. Den kan endast köpas i våra fysiska butiker, inte beställas via näthandeln. Använd gärna funktionen Hämta i butik för att boka din vara för avhämtning i butik.
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Stockholm Hämta i butik
Göteborg Hämta i butik
Malmö Hämta i butik

Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 60-120
Age: 14+

The Beast uses a deck of direction cards to move over forests, swamps and caverns, using guile and deceit to hide its track from the hunters. However, whenever a hunter moves over a location where the Beast has previously been, a trail appears. Only when a hunter searches a location or the Beast itself attacks an unsuspecting target is the Beast's actual position revealed. More so, each hunter has but one chance of searching each round, making it a tense and difficult decision. Hunters seldom have full information whether the trail they’re pursuing contains the Beast’s actual location, or if the trail has already gone cold.


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