Five Broken Blades (Special International Edition)

Av Mai Corland

| Del 1 i serien The Broken Blades
Five Broken Blades (Special International Edition)
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Special edition med blåsprayade kanter och illustrerade försättsblad

Landets fem farligaste lögnare har fått en mystisk kallelse, de ska samlas för att döda kungen. De fem håller alla med om att den tyranniska kungen behöver dö, men mer än så kan de inte komma överens om. Det enda sättet de kan lyckas är om de samarbetar, kan de lita på varandra tillräckligt för att utföra sitt uppdrag!?

It’s the season
for treason…

The king of Yusan must die.

The five most dangerous liars in the land have been mysteriously summoned to work together for a single objective: to kill the god king Joon.

He has it coming. Under his merciless immortal hand, the nobles flourish, while the poor and innocent are imprisoned, ruined…or sold.

And now each of the five blades will come for him. Each has tasted bitterness?from the hired hit man seeking atonement, a lovely assassin who seeks freedom, or even the prince banished for his cruel crimes. None can resist the sweet, icy lure of vengeance.

They can agree on murder.

They can agree on treachery.

But for these five killers?each versed in deception, lies, and betrayal?it’s not enough to forge an alliance. To survive, they’ll have to find a way to trust each other…but only one can take the crown.

Let the best liar win.

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