Mr Spock's Little Book of Mindfulness

Av Glenn Dakin

| 2020
Mr Spock's Little Book of Mindfulness
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Who better to teach us mindfulness and wisdom than Mr. Spock, that beacon of calm, rational thought. With quotes from STAR TREK and timely insights about modern life this book will be your guide.

Who better to teach us mindfulness and wisdom than Mr. Spock, that beacon of calm, rational thought. With quotes from STAR TREK and timely insights about modern life this book will be your guide. In a universe that seems to have gone mad, we turn to mindfulness to restore sanity. When humanity has lost its way, it takes a Vulcan to raise an eyebrow at our folly and lead us towards the truth. After all, it's only logical.

Essays on focus, computers, social media, love, family, self-acceptance and more.Filled with actual quotes from Mr. Spock and Star Trek characters, along with black & white illustrations. Includes source listing from TV episodes.


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