Tokyo Aliens 1

Av Naoe

| Del 1 i serien Tokyo Aliens
Tokyo Aliens 1
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Stockholm Hämta i butik
Göteborg Hämta i butik
Malmö Hämta i butik

I ett Tokyo som blivit mål för utomjordisk turism kommer den unga Akira i kontakt med en besökare med utgånget visum. Ett möte som lyfter frågor om Akiras egna förflutna. En japansk sleeper hit som tagit hemlandet med storm.

Join one unsuspecting Tokyoite as he discovers that intergalactic tourist relations can prove to be a lot more dangerous than they seem!

Shiny new high school first-year Akira is as ordinary as they come. He’s awkward, has terrible grades, and loves manga. In fact, the only thing that really sets him apart from his peers is his staunch determination to follow in his late father’s footsteps as a police officer.

But fate has its own plans for Akira. After witnessing a ferocious battle unfold between two strangers with unusual powers on the train—one of whom looks a lot like the tall, dark, and handsome kid in his grade—he finds himself kidnapped…by none other than an alien!

And as if being thrust into the occasionally violent and always complicated relations between humans and aliens wasn’t mind-boggling enough, nothing can prepare Akira for learning the truth about his beloved father…


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