Serie A-DO

Riko räddar en pojke från att bli påkörd av en lastbil och bjuder honom på lunch. Precis när de ska börja äta skjuter en krypskytt på pojken Eito, innan kulan träffar kommer tentakler fram från Eitos arm och fångar kulan. Vem är denna pojke och varför är armén ute efter honom?

Following a wave of immigration, Japan has became a volatile mix of people and cultures, rocked by the protests of xenophobic extremists unhappy with the new status quo. A brash, job-hopping young woman named Riko is driving her scooter through one such protest when she sees a boy about to get run over by a truck. Riko just manages to shove him out of the way, and, in the hours that follow, she finds herself looking after the boy, named Eito.

Riko takes Eito out for a bowl of ramen, but just as they're about to dig in, Eito is fired upon by a distant army sniper. As the bullet pierces the restaurant window and comes whizzing toward Eito, plant-like tendrils snake out from his arm and stop it in mid-flight. Who in the world is this boy, and why is the army after him?!

- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.


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