13 episodes from the Japanese anime and spin-off of Naruto. Boruto Uzumaki (voice of Yuuko Sanpei) attends Konohagakure ninja academy and he has aspirations to become as great a warrior and hero as his father Naruto (Junko Takeuchi), however, his sense of entitlement leads him into clashes with his peers and his overzealous attitude often puts him at odds with his father.
The episodes are: 'Boruto Uzumaki!', 'The Hokage's Son!', 'Metal Lee Goes Wild!', 'A Ninjutsu Battle of the Sexes!', 'The Mysterious Transfer Student!', 'The Final Lesson!', 'Love and Potato Chips!', 'The Dream's Revelation', 'Proof of Oneself', 'The Ghost Incident: The Investigation Begins!', 'The Shadow of the Mastermind', 'Boruto and Mitsuki' and 'The Demon Beast Appears!'.
- Europeisk Blu-ray B/2. Import från England.
- Språk: engelska, japanska
- Text: engelska##
- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.
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