Serie Nothing Special

Callie lever i den vanliga världen och anser inte sig själv särskilt annorlunda. Hon är förvisso vän med spöket från en rädisa och hennes pappa äger en magisk antikvitetsaffär, men utöver det är hon helt normal! När hennes pappa försvinner på en inköpsresa måste hon bege sig till en magisk dimension för att hitta honom. På resan börjar hon ana att det kanske finns mer magi i henne själv än hon trodde.

In the grand scheme of the worlds at large, Callie thinks she's nothing special. Sure, she's friends with the ghost of a radish and her dad owns a magical antique shop--but she's spent her life in the human world. Her dad won't let her join him on his collection trips in the magical realm “for her own protection”, so she’s only caught glimpses of that world through the gates of the town where her father’s store is.

On her seventeenth birthday, Callie goes home with her friend Declan to find her home in disarray and her dad missing. Signs of a struggle point to the portal to the magical realm and when there are signs, you follow them. Now it's up to Callie, Declan, and Radish to band together and bring him home. As they face creatures good and bad, and all sorts of adventure, Callie and Declan may just find out that they are both special in their own ways after all.

The first season of mayhem, magic, vegetables and adventure from Katie Cook's beloved Webtoon, Nothing Special, is collected in this gorgeous graphic novel, which also features exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.


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