Serie Shadows of Mirkwood

The elusive creature known as Gollum is hiding somewhere in the Anduin Valley. It is up to you to find him and discover what dark designs lay in wait for him...
As the first Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle, The Hunt for Gollum sets the stage for the coming quests by putting players in search of the titular creature, whose capture is the overall goal in Shadows of Mirkwood. For this first quest, players are tasked with uncovering the clues in the form of the Signs of Gollum Objective cards, which are shuffled into the Encounter deck.
Featuring a new hero, new player cards for all four spheres of influence, and an assortment of new Encounter cards, The Hunt for Gollum begins your dangerous trek through the Shadows of Mirkwood!

- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.


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