This large-trim definitive edition with gorgeous textured design collects three volumes of the phenomenal samurai story by manga legend Takehiko Inoue!
Striving for enlightenment by way of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi is prepared to cut down anyone who stands in his way. Vagabond is an action-packed portrayal of the life and times of the quintessential warrior-philosopher - the most celebrated samurai of all time.
At 17 years of age, Miyamoto Musashi—still known by his childhood name, Shinmen Takezo—is a wild young brute just setting out along the way of the sword. In the aftermath of the epic Battle of Sekigahara, Takezo finds himself a fugitive survivor on the losing side of the war. Takezo’s vicious nature has made him an outcast even in his own village, and he is hunted down like an animal. At this crucial crossroads in Takezo’s life, an eccentric monk and a childhood friend are the only ones who can help him find his way.
- Texten syftar på första delen i serien.
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